I live in Kävlinge and study Digital Content Design at Medieinstitutet in Malmö. I also have a bachelor's degree in behavioral science at Lunds University from before. In my free time I love to be outside in nature, hike, spend time in the stable and paint. I dream about being able to live on a small farm and become a moonlight farmer, i.e. taking care of the farm and animals in my spare time beside my work.
In today's society we are constantly fed with thousands of impressions and forced to make more choices than our brain is made to. Because of that it is incredibly important that the design I make brings harmony to the user, both visually and in use. I strive to make balanced designs that creates a calmness for the eyes and brain.
To me it's important to contribute to what I find good for humans, animals and the environment. If I in some way can contribute to less over consumption, pollution, bad mental health or mistreatment of animals, I have succeeded.
Design is visual communication. This means that accessibility is very important. Effective communication demands logical and easy design that all kinds of people can understand. I advocate clean, structured designs that are made in such ways that the user does not take notice of them.
Jag har lätt att sätta mig in i andra människors situation och sätt att tänka. Jag bryr mig mycket om människors psykiska hälsa och är därför mycket bestämd i att inte skapa design som har negativ påverkan på människors mående. Det kan innebära att jag väljer att inte göra optiskt ”flimrig” design som skapar stress för åskådarens hjärna och att jag inte skapar design åt företag som jag anser kan bidra till stress eller psykisk ohälsa.
Jag har alltid älskat djur, framförallt hästar och hundar, vilket oundvikligen visar sig i min konst och design.